Our Services
The Behind the Scenes ministry vision and mission is to be “a supportive “behind the scenes” non-profit development partner, serving thousands of organizations and ministries”, by providing the expertise, resources, and support to enable these non-profits and ministries to maximize their community impact.
Non-profit questions
It seems that everyone—co-workers, relatives, friends—knows something about non-profits, but too often, the information is incomplete, outdated, misleading, or just wrong. On the other hand, more and more individuals and groups are recognizing needs in their community and considering how they could make a positive impact as a non-profit organization. Check out our e-book, NON PROFIT 101, which will answer your questions—the same ones we're asked every day.
Non-profit startup
Behind the Scenes has worked with hundreds of individuals and groups in the formation of their community based organizations, faith based ministries, and churches, providing personal and affordable services to guide them through the 501(c)(3) process. Although the “paperwork” is important--100% of the applicants have been granted tax exempt status—our goal is to become a “behind the scenes” partner in order to help maximize your organization's mission impact.
Non-profit problems
Behind the Scenes has also worked with existing non-profit groups to re-focus or re-launch their organizations through strategic planning, board/leadership development, compliance/problem solving.
Non-profit sustainability
Most often related to funding/fundraising, sustainability also includes the topics of Planning, Evaluation, Program Design, Personnel, Community Engagement, Partners, and Communication. Behind the Scenes can provide this training which will lead to the long term sustainability of your organization.
Business related non-profit
Behind the Scenes is currently developing a strategy exploring the benefits of a business creating a business related non-profit organization. Historically, many American business owners have recognized an obligation for “giving back” to their communities—moving from operating a successful business to making an impact in the community. One option is to just support an existing organization through giving, volunteering, and serving, but the other may be to form a business related non-profit to address the community need, while maintaining a degree of control, and providing specific benefits for your business.
The tax exempt purpose of a business related non-profit organization is primarily to provide support and resources to effectively address a specific community need—ideally something the business owner is passionate about or a need which has a current high profile. The goal of this strategy is not to “game” the system, but to legitimately help the community, but benefiting your business, including:
- The non-profit may also be utilized to support your employee practices—recruitment, on-boarding, training, professional/personal development, employee retention, internships, rewards, etc.
- The non-profit could be eligible for Google Ad Word grants used to cross promote the non-profit and the business.
- The non-profit may also be used to promote business growth— (1) Through product/services donations, (2) By driving education/marketing efforts to promote your business in the community, (3) Implementing “give back” strategies through positive (basically free) public relations messaging, (5) By forming/ supporting non-profit partnerships in the community, and (6) By developing non-profit B2B customers.
- The non-profit provides opportunities for fundraising—donor support, grant eligibility, and fundraising events (PR benefits) to subsidize all the activities of the organization.
- The non-profit could provide income shifting opportunities/strategies, a personal estate planning tool, and an opportunity to build a Legacy.
Non-profit questions
It seems that everyone—co-workers, relatives, friends—knows something about non-profits, but too often, the information is incomplete, outdated, misleading, or just wrong. On the other hand, more and more individuals and groups are recognizing needs in their community and considering how they could make a positive impact as a non-profit organization. Check out our e-book, NON PROFIT 101, which will answer your questions—the same ones we're asked every day.
One of the results of Behind the Scenes' on-going “behind the scenes” relationships with hundreds of non-profit organizations is large working network of groups which are working to make lives better in their communities, and access to this network can be very valuable in terms of program development, partnership opportunities, quickly answered questions, etc. Connecting with other organizations (local or not)